울티마 | Posted by 아스라이 2014. 10. 20. 12:20

울티마의 구동 프로그램 현황

울티마의 보조 프로그램들의 현황을 한번 보겠습니다. 울티마 시리즈 순서대로 볼까요.



1. http://nuvie.sourceforge.net/


일단 울티마 6과 외전(외전은 아직 완벽히 구동되지는 않습니다만)을 실행시켜주는 Nuvie입니다. DOSBOX로도 게임하는데 아무 문제가 없습니다만 이 Nuvie로 구동시키면 울티마 6편과 외전은 마치 울티마 7 엔진의 느낌으로 여행할 수 있지요.



2014년 3월 14일 버전 0.5 업데이트가 마지막이네요.

The Nuvie team are proud to announce the special 11th anniversary release of Nuvie, Version 0.5

There has been a huge number of changes and enhancements since our last release. 350 commits to the source code. A summary of the major points are listed below.

  • Added the U6 end game sequence
  • Added in game menus where you can change lots of options without editing the cfg file.
  • Added custom paper doll art and custom actor tiles.
  • Added new game UI styles. (original+ and original+ full map.) video/game_style is used to choose what game style to use. fullscreen_map got changed to "new"style.
  • Added joystick (gamepad/controller) support which included major work done on making key bindings so that they are consistently configurable.
  • Added lots of new cheat commands and other key bindings including TOGGLE_FPS_DISPLAY, QUICK_SAVE, and QUICK_LOAD.
  • Added new container gumps, wooden sign gump, and a new CommandBar.
  • Added new message scroll, Daniel's new U6 celestial ribbon and original_style CommandBar for new style.
  • Added U6 use telescope and use silver horn.
  • Added support for spawning mutant (two headed) actors and increase the number of temporary actors in Ultima 6 by 21
  • Started work on MD/SE music support
  • Added support for SE intro/menu/character creation sequences. (still needs a bit of work)
  • Added support for MD/SE portraits
  • Added support for lua script based usecode logic.
  • Fixed in-game font support for MD/SE, some issues with conversation scripts, and lots of other bug fixes.

We are now going to direct our focus to the two worlds of ultima games!



가장 좋았던 것은 역시 상황을 표시하는 텍스트 두루말이가 생겼다는 것과 모두다는 아니지만 지붕이 보인다는 것, 그리고 조이스틱을 지원한다는 점 정도...? 사실 여기서 더이상의 업데이트가 굳이 필요할까 싶을 정도로 게임하는 데는 무리가 없습니다.


2. http://exult.sourceforge.net/


다음은 울티마 7과 서펜트 아일을 구동시켜주는 Exult입니다. 개인적으로 참 좋아하는 프로그램으로 도스 시절 골치아프게 만드는 메모리 문제도 해결해주고 한글화가 가능해질 수 있는 바탕이 되었으며 컴퓨터만이 아닌 PSP나 PDA, 심지어 안드로이드 버전까지 나와서 참 행복하게 만든 구동 프로그램이었죠. 물론 한글화가 가능해지는 버전은 컴퓨터용의 제한된 버전만이 가능하긴 했지만...




2014년 5월 16일 버전 1.5입니다만 마지막 게시글은 신버전의 이야기가 아니라 긴 시간 새 버전이 나오지 못하는 이유를 게시했군요.



16 May 2014

State of Exult or why there is still no new version

It's been 3 1/2 years since the release candidate and almost a decade since our last full release. Duke Nukem Forever was released since then. Imagine that.
So why is there still no new release of Exult?
After the 1.2 release Exult went into experimental mode, mostly making it easier and more stable to mod the original games via Exult Studio. Along with that many lingering issues, missing features and unknown data files from the original got implemented. In turn that broke other things in Exult and for a long time, Exult was just too unstable to be released. When development slowed down we fixed a lot of stuff and released 1.4.9rc1 - making it a release candidate on purpose. It generated enough interest for people to play Exult again and send us their bug reports and there were a lot. Some even game breaking and when the disappearing objects bug was discovered it proved we were correct in not labeling the release a full release. Since that bug has been squished the 1.4.9rc1 is no longer linked to on our site to prevent people using that and run into that severe bug.
And now we seem to be in a situation that everytime we think Exult could be ready for a new release, some new bug is discovered that prevents us from releasing.

This time the big bad bug is a flaw in which we handle game eggs (see Bug #1875 ). Mostly you will not notice that something is wrong until you reach to the abandoned outpost in SI and get slaughtered by the misbehaving fire shooter/energy barrier trap room (see Bug #1848 - savegame included) or when you notice that the anti magic rain in BG never stops until you restart Exult or whatever (see Bug #1865).
Whenever this is fixed you can expect another round of bug reports coming in about all the things now broken...
(not to mention countless other stuff, including some bug in the way we handle midi music, some BG intro things etc...)

Whenever - because development of Exult is currently not really existing, it hasn't for a while and doesn't look like it is picking up soon. There have been small bursts of bug fixing, mostly by Marzo, Willem and Malignant Manor but these are getting fewer and fewer.
Exult is now almost 16 years old and a lot of the developers have been with it since then. Lives and interests change and it's hard to keep interested in something like Exult that at times is easier to break than to fix.

So, is Exult dead? No, but it's not teeming with life and as has been written before, without new developers Exult might never leave this state.
Don't mistake this for a farewell, we just want to be frank about these things.


자그마치 3년 반만에 올리는 글이라... 대단하네요. 내용을 보니 어지간히도 속썩고 있는 듯 합니다. 원래 게임 원본도 이런저런 버그까지 활용해서 만든 게임인 만큼 Exult 역시 끊임없는 버그에 진통을 겪고 있는 듯 하네요. 그래도 Exult는 아직 죽지 않았다는 말에 희망을 갖게 하는군요.


Exult도 게임 플레이에는 별다는 문제가 없이 엔딩까지 볼 수 있었습니다. 울티마 7은 한글로 여행을 끝냈고, 서펜트 아일은 영문판으로 여행을 끝냈으니까요.


9. http://pentagram.sourceforge.net/


다음은 판타그램입니다. 울티마 8을 윈도우에서 구동시켜 줍니다. 다만 저에게는 울티마 8기 꽤 어려운 게임인지라 그리 많이 진행을 못해봤습니다만 게임 진행에는 문제가 없어보였습니다.




2013년 1월 6일 업데이트가 마지막이네요. 일단은 버그패치였습니다. 딱히 버전을 붙이지는 않는가 보네요.


1~5편까지는 도스 에뮬레이터로 잘 작동하고, 9편은 원본부터 윈도우 버전이었던 데다 한글화도 훌륭하게 되어있어 굳이 다른 구동기가 필요 없겠지요. 뭐 채택되지 못한 엔딩 버전이라던가 미구현된 데이터들을 구현한 게임을 보고 싶기도 합니다만... 외전들도 따로 구동기는 없고 말이죠...


Nuvie 말고도 울티마 6을 정말 울티마 7 엔진으로 바꾸는 프로젝트도 있는 듯 한데 어디까지 진척중인지 궁금하긴 하네요.


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